Cold, Windy Hike to Lai Chi Wo Heritage Village!

Hi friends! Finally got around to posting the video about my first hike in Hong Kong. And what a day to choose to go hiking: January 24, 2016, the day that Hong Kong experienced the coldest weather in 60 years… Aiya! But what is life but overcoming challenges? I participated in a local hiking group’s excursion to Tai Po District. As I mentioned in my previous post, we traveled from Wu Kau Tang to Sam Ka Tsuen to Lai Chi Wo Heritage village. It was super rainy, windy (although I tried to cut out most footage with high wind noise) and cold, but I saw some beautiful landscapes. It was like travelling through different worlds on this trip: I got to saw mountaintop views, trails inside wet, dense forests that gave me an impression of the Amazon (I’ve never been, but it’s what I imagined it to be), picturesque views of the Pacific Ocean, huge bamboo trees, mangroves, buttress root trees, giant lotus plants and other amazing flora.

Although this was my first video after a while of not producing, I have improvements for myself for next time: Don’t be so eager to shoot everything in the beginning to save battery (I had to swap to my phone for half the hike!), take breaks so that I am not so tired at the end of the trip (where most of the cools stuff like the dense forest trails, ocean views, and mangrove forests) that I didn’t want to film anymore, and try to get an external mic, wind cover , and gyroscopic mount for my camera so that the overall production quality will be increased.

Without further ado, here’s the video of that adventure!

The most time consuming part of the production process was adding subtitles, but I thought if I was going to do it, I might as well do it well. I hope I can continue this philosophy as I move onwards and expand this platform. As well, my ATI Radeon HD7470M kept crashing on me as I made the video longer in Adobe Premiere Pro, but the struggle is what keeps me going.

Until next time!
